
If you would like to visit or join Troop 3, please attend one of our meetings. Normally, our troop meetings are held every Tuesday  (except the third Tuesday of each month) at 7:30pm at Earhart Elementary School. On every third Tuesday of each month we meet at Bay Farm Elementary School at 7:30 pm.

With the current Shelter in Place order from the state of California we are currently meeting via Zoom. If you would like to join one of our meetings, please contact us and we will provide you with the meeting information.

For more information about the troop and contact information for the troop leadership, please see our brochure.

Joining Scouts has never been easier! To register with Troop 3 visit through this link, create an account, and complete the online form.

As a new Scout you will need a few key pieces of information. Below are some helpful links to get you started on your journey.